Tuesday, November 18, 2008


lack of companionship?
general boredom with the monotonous life?
the need to be accepted by someone?
peer pressure?
too much time on hands?

but why!?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The temptation to finish the book she was reading kept her up till 4 am. Sadly, she had to wake up at 7 am the next day to attend an important meeting. Sleep deprivation and lack of caffeine had her in one of her worst moods that morning. The sun that shone brightly did nothing to improve things. To add to it all, she managed to miss the bus which was infamous for its frequency - one bus every 45 minutes. Cursing her luck, she started on her half an hour walk to the meeting venue. She didn't have a good feeling about the meeting to come... it took too much to brighten a day that began bad.

Sweat dripping, eyes drooping, hungry and fatigued, she walked alone on the unknown road.. unsure of the venue. Though there were signboards everywhere, she felt lost like never before. The sudden pang of missing home hit her after a very long time. She yearned for some familiar roads, familiar sights... familiar sounds....

Still unsure if she was taking the right road, she turned right and started looking for a specific lanes. Looking at the tall buildings that lined the road and defined the skyline, she wondered how she could hate them, when she had just cursed the uncivilized "retreat" for its lack of buildings, traffic and people, less than a month back. With every step she took, her mood soured and she wished she could be home, just for some sense of familiarity.

Lost in her deep sense of self pity, she didn't notice the music from the player in one the houses on the street. She suddenly snapped back to senses when she realised that it was a familiar tune... a tune she had grown up with.. MS Subbulakshmi's divine voice sang ..
"Shree Vaisham pãyana uvacha:
Shruthvã dharmãna séshéna pãvananicha sarvashaha
Yudhishtara shanthanavam punarévãbya bashatha.."

She stopped walking and closed her eyes for a minute, letting the familiar words,tune and voice reach her. Reach, they did. She walked away admiring the tall buildings...she walked with a smile on her face .. wherever you go, there is already a part of India there.

It didn't take so much to brighten a dull day after all...!

Monday, September 15, 2008

a blast from the past... a friend... reminded me how it feels to miss someone...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Did it really happen?

The roar of the wind in my ears reduces the conversation in the car to a mere buzz at the back of my mind...

the breathtaking scene unfolding in front of my eyes has my entire attention in its jaws. I can only stare helplessly as my senses try to grasp the magnificence of the beauty that lies around me, in all its glory...

I am an insignificant speck amidst all this!

the river - muddy from its travel over the mountains and miles of plains - flows gracefully, navigating the bends regally. The tall pine trees seem to show what pride really is. the mountains reach up, piercing into the clouds and rising even above it, making the clouds seem easily reachable....

The fresh air rejuvenates every cell in my body - every cell that has undergone the strenuous cycle of routine over the months...

The clouds gather and open up slowly.... the steady drizzle starts getting progressivley stronger and blows the golden droplets on to my face, in the moving car...

My father, worried about my health. sternly asks me to raise the window glass... the buzz at the back of my mind is back to the foreground and becomes an understandable conversation - a conversation, whose main focus is me.

insignificant speck, indeed.....

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

yechchai elai...

yechchai elai is very very popular since the ages of yore(is the expression even used anymore?)

earlier, after aathukaarar (a.k.a husband) finishes his wholesome meal on bana leaf, the aathukaari (a.k.a wife) eats on the same yechcha elai, as per custom and earns approval of all maami's.

"Chee, wat a stupid tradition... Horrible ya they are", says V, but her boy friend and her, will happily drink out of a single glass of Pineapple Lemonade Spritzers with two straws! yes, tender coconut also.

Not that I approve of either! (but who cares?)

However, i wonder what will happen when A (if)(ever) finds a boyfriend, they go out for a romantic dinner and he orders a single, tall glass of some exotic sounding juice with two straws and gazes lovingly into her eyes....
A's usual practice while drinking something with a straw is approximately as follows:

1) suck in strongly for a whole mouth full of watever liquid is in the container... say MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM or shout UWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKK...

2)repeat step 1 for the next 1 minute.

3) get bored with the drink.

4) suck in gently... and while the liquid nears her mouth, give up and let the entire column of liquid fall back into the container..

5) Repeat step 4 without any breaks...

6) blow strongly into the container using the straw so that liquid bubbles violently and there is sufficiently enough saliva mixed with the drink...

7) graciously offer a sip to anyone and everyone in the vicinity.

Will the relationship last???