Tuesday, July 08, 2008

yechchai elai...

yechchai elai is very very popular since the ages of yore(is the expression even used anymore?)

earlier, after aathukaarar (a.k.a husband) finishes his wholesome meal on bana leaf, the aathukaari (a.k.a wife) eats on the same yechcha elai, as per custom and earns approval of all maami's.

"Chee, wat a stupid tradition... Horrible ya they are", says V, but her boy friend and her, will happily drink out of a single glass of Pineapple Lemonade Spritzers with two straws! yes, tender coconut also.

Not that I approve of either! (but who cares?)

However, i wonder what will happen when A (if)(ever) finds a boyfriend, they go out for a romantic dinner and he orders a single, tall glass of some exotic sounding juice with two straws and gazes lovingly into her eyes....
A's usual practice while drinking something with a straw is approximately as follows:

1) suck in strongly for a whole mouth full of watever liquid is in the container... say MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM or shout UWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKK...

2)repeat step 1 for the next 1 minute.

3) get bored with the drink.

4) suck in gently... and while the liquid nears her mouth, give up and let the entire column of liquid fall back into the container..

5) Repeat step 4 without any breaks...

6) blow strongly into the container using the straw so that liquid bubbles violently and there is sufficiently enough saliva mixed with the drink...

7) graciously offer a sip to anyone and everyone in the vicinity.

Will the relationship last???