Monday, October 25, 2010


Dear killer,

Please be informed that stinking is NOT your birth right. If I had my way, it would be on top of the list of criminal offences.

I used to think it was grueling to wake up at a set time every morning and travel to my work place for an hour. I should have counted my blessings those days, because right in the middle of my self pity, you arrived. Dressed impeccably - Except, your pseudo sexy perfume did not cover up your stench. You were leaving behind a trail of people in coma. Yet your aura of confidence, was astonishing. You chose me as the blessed one and sat next to me in the bus. My nostrils shut off. My mind started going numb. My lungs were screaming. If it were India, i'd put my head out of the window and risk getting hit by a heavy vehicle or tree branch, rather than suffocate and die. Sadly, LTA in Singapore enjoys inflicting all kinds of torture on people. They deny us sensible conductors, then they pack us in buses and trains with killers like you. Someday, I would like to write a book titled WHY? these folks, and of course, you would feature in it. I'm digressing!

Sensing that I wouldn't survive the journey, I politely alighted at the next stop. I am almost sure that the 14 people who got off with me didn't intend to get off here when they first boarded the bus.

Some senseless folks fix up meetings for 9AM. No doubts, this HAD to be one of those days. There was no way I could wait for the next bus to arrive (this bus deserves many prestigious awards for it awesome frequency of 'once every 35 minutes' during peak hours - that is an entire story by itself). I dialed a cab, paid extra booking fees, peak hour charges and got to work.

Please reimburse $18.90

"All the perfume of Arabia will not sweeten this hand. Oh oh Oh!"

1 comment:

rt said...

where is the LIKE button?
I thought only NUS is endowed with such walking weapons. i think its you. you are the magnet that attracts them from all over.